Key suitable for Audi cars, remote control
Audi key, remote control and transponder, suitable for A2, A3, A4, A6, A8. Please specify the number of buttons and serial number when ordering. Button functions: unlock, lock, trunk opening or (2-button key): unlock and lock. If you need a remote control key for your Audi, order it from our online shop now! The included transponder will guarantee the safety of your Audi car, as it is designed to identify the owner of the car and provides additional protection against drifting.
Or maybe it’s time to program the keys for your Audi? We understand that programming your car keys is essential to ensure the safety of your four-wheel vehicle. We’ve been programming keys for years and are confident in the quality of our work. Our customer base is growing and more and more people are trusting us with the security of their car. Entrust us with the programming of your Audi keys and you will never have to worry about the security of your car again. We program your keys. However, we send orders from our online shop (if you are planning to buy remote control keys or a key case) by registered post throughout Lithuania.
Programming of car keys is our specialisation. We can confidently say that we offer quality services and products for your Audi or other car. If you visit our online shop, you will find competitive prices for car key programming, pleasant and prompt service, and a wide range of services. Key manufacturing is a business that requires responsibility, professionalism and the latest technology. We have combined these qualities in order to equip your car with the latest technology (immobilisers, transponders and keys programmed by our company) and thus ensure the security of your car.
The credo of the team is: to work to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones when travelling by car, and to ensure that the products and services we sell are in line with modern automotive technology, easing the burden on the driver.
So visit our website 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality and speed of our service and our favourable prices!
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